Tummy Tuck Turkey
Szczególnie u kobiet ciąża lub przyrost masy ciała mogą powodować rozstępy na skórze brzucha, nadmiar skóry, wzrost tkanki tłuszczowej i rozejście mięśni brzucha, które nazywamy diastasis recti. Powstawanie rozstępów jest jednocześnie oznaką pogorszenia jakości skóry. Podczas operacji plastyki brzucha wycinamy nadmiar skóry, a wraz z nią rozstępy, jednocześnie napinając mięśnie brzucha za pomocą szwów.
Podczas tych zabiegów tworzone jest nowe miejsce na pępek, które jest połączone ze ścianą brzucha. Blizna po nacięciu, która pozostanie po operacji plastyki brzucha, jest zaplanowana w taki sposób, aby pozostała pod majtkami pacjentki.
Who is a suitable candidate for tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) surgery?
The key criterion sought in patients intending to undergo tummy tuck surgery is presence of excess skin in the abdomen. People with excess skin may also have stretch marks on the skin.
Formation of stretch marks is at the same time indicative of deteriorated skin quality, along with excess skin. Another surgical indication for tummy tuck is that the patient’s belly bulges significantly due to diastasis recti.
Although these changes often occur after pregnancy, they can also be seen in people who have not had a pregnancy but have gained and lost a lot of weight rapidly, which is the reason it may sometimes be necessary to perform tummy tuck surgery on younger people who have not given birth.
What steps need to be taken before tummy tuck surgery?
As in every surgery, preop tests must be run and the patients must be examined by an anesthesiologist before tummy tuck surgery. Usually, these procedures are done the day before the surgery.
Also, patients are required to sign the necessary surgery consent forms the day before surgery. Preop photographs are taken of each patient. On the morning of surgery, necessary drawings and planning is made for the upcoming tummy tuck and for other surgeries, if any, to be performed in combination.
For a smooth and good wound healing after tummy tuck surgery, patients must avoid smoking for 4 weeks before and 4 weeks after the surgery. Intake of aspirin is disadvised one week before surgery as it can increase bleeding.
Also, contraceptives should be discontinued 4 weeks before tummy tuck surgery, as they create a pregnancy-like effect and have negative effects on bleeding and coagulation systems. Since green tea consumption increases bleeding, it is recommended to stop consuming green tea a few weeks before surgery.
How long does a tummy tuck surgery take?
Tummy tucks are usually performed in combination with liposuction. I prefer to combine all tummy tuck surgeries with liposuction.
I try to achieve a nice trim in the waist area, by performing liposuction especially on the side parts of the abdomen, the back area and the lower parts of the waist. A tummy tuck surgery combined with liposuction takes around 4 hours on average.
The ideal tummy tuck techniques are determined by the patients’ underlying anatomies, the location and amount of redundant skin, and even their clothing preference.
Some plastic surgeons in Turkey instruct their patients to bring their favorite or usual swimwear, underwear, and/or pants so they can mark the possible scar/incision site in a way that it is hidden under clothing.
While it is always ideal to place the horizontal incision close to the pubic line so the undergarment can easily hide the resulting scar, some patients may have to accept a scar that rides higher than ideal. This is particularly true of someone with significant excess skin in her/his upper abdomen.
The list below explains the most common tummy tuck techniques used in plastic surgery.
Standard or full tummy-tuck
It uses hip-to-hip incision below the navel and another scar around the belly buttock so it can be repositioned after removing the excess skin in the upper abdomen.
After tightening the abdominal muscles with internal sutures and removing the excess skin, the remaining skin is pulled down over the stomach.j
Extended tummy-tuck
The horizontal incision reaches around the hips (i.e., sides of the lower back), so when the body is viewed posteriorly the tail ends of the scar are visible.
Because the extended tummy tuck removes more skin from a wider area than the standard technique, it is often reserved for massive weight loss patients.
Extended tummy tuck also requires a round incision to free the navel and reposition it higher once the excess skin has been removed.
Mini tummy-tuck
Due to the natural “diffusion” of excess skin after weight loss and/or pregnancy, mini tummy tucks are only suitable for a small number of patients because of their minimal improvement.
Mini tummy tucks, which require a 4-8 inches scar above the pubic region, do not reposition the navel nor remove the excess skin in the upper abdominal area.
Recovery Time for a Tummy Tuck
You will need to take about 4 to 6 weeks off work and exercise. You will not be able to drive for a few weeks after the operation (your surgeon and insurance company can advise you about this).
It takes about 6 weeks to fully recover and to see the full effect of a tummy tuck.
You’ll usually need to wear a special type of corset or tummy-control pants for 6 weeks, to encourage your skin to heal properly and to reduce any swelling. Generally, you’ll need to take it easy during this time and keep your knees bent while in bed, to avoid putting a strain on your stitches.
After a few weeks, you will probably be asked to attend a follow-up appointment to make sure the wound is healing properly.
And After the 6th week, you will usually be able to stop wearing a corset and may return to doing most of your usual activities.
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