What is Thigh Lift Surgery in Turkey?
Udo znajduje się na górnej i wewnętrznej stronie nogi; ma miejscowo cienką skórę, więc można powiedzieć, że ma strukturę, która bardzo sprzyja pękaniu i zwiotczeniu. Wiele przyczyn, takich jak siedzący tryb życia, starzenie się, utrata masy ciała i czynniki genetyczne, może powodować zwiotczenie skóry w okolicy ud i gromadzenie się tłuszczu w tym obszarze.
Problemy kosmetyczne występujące w obrębie ud mogą mieć negatywny wpływ na wygląd nóg. Ponadto mogą one powodować dotykanie się nóg podczas chodzenia, powodując podrażnienia i pieluszkowe zapalenie skóry. Obwisłe uda zmniejszają komfort życia pod względem estetycznym i funkcjonalnym, a można je wyeliminować za pomocą zabiegu modelowania sylwetki zwanego liftingiem ud.
Who Is a Good Candidate for Thigh Lift Surgery?
Below are the necessities for being a good candidate for thigh lit:
- Your weight should be somewhat steady at the time of the thigh-lift operation in order to achieve the best results.
- Before getting a thigh lift, you must reduce quite enough weight as a sensible diet and exercise plan would allow.
- You must be quite certain that you will be able to sustain that size.
- Before surgery, we suggest achieving and keeping a bodyweight that is within 10-15 pounds of your desired weight.
- You must refrain from cigarettes, as well as all tobacco products, for at least 2- 3 weeks prior to and after any cosmetic procedure treatment.
Types of Thigh Lift Procedure
There are multiple techniques to customize a thigh lift procedure to the needs of individual patients. These are differentiated by the size and shape of the incision used to remove excess skin, fat, and tissue. Your plastic surgeon will evaluate your candidacy for each of these kinds of thigh lifts and recommend the procedure that suits your needs and preferences.
Inner Thigh Lift
This type of thigh lift targets the inner thigh. It deals with exercise-resistant fat and sagging skin that leads to reduced skin elasticity.
During an inner thigh lift, your plastic surgeon will make an incision at the junction where the thigh meets the pubic area. This allows him/her to access the underlying tissues while making the most discreet incision possible since the resulting scar can easily be hidden by underwear. Your plastic surgeon will then remove a wedge of skin and possibly fat from the region and tighten the remaining skin to provide improved leg contours.
Mini Thigh Lift
If you have sagging tissues only in the upper thigh of the leg, you may qualify for a mini thigh lift, a modification of the inner thigh lift technique that involves only a short scar in the groin area. While this technique offers less dramatic results, it produces only minimal scarring and typically requires a shorter recovery period.
Bilateral Thigh Lift
The bilateral thigh lift or “outer thigh lift,” is designed to tighten skin on the front and outside of the leg. During this, your surgeon will make an incision at the top of the leg where the lower edge of a bikini bottom or pair of underwear would be, creating a “V” shape.
Depending on your needs, this incision may wrap around to your hip or buttocks area. Your surgeon will then remove a certain amount of skin, depending on your needs and preferences, before pulling the remaining skin up and attaching it to the same area so that it is smooth.
Medial Thigh Lift
A medial thigh lift reduces excess skin and fat on the upper portion of the inner thigh. It is designed for patients who are dissatisfied with the shape of their legs or who would like to remove excess skin after extreme weight loss. During a medial thigh lift procedure, an incision is made in the groin, extending to the back of the crease of the buttock or to the hip. It might also include vertical scars extending down the legs from the groin for greater access to underlying tissue. The skin is lifted, removing excess skin and fat to improve the shape of the leg and tone it.
Recovery Time for Thigh Lift
- One week after your procedure, you will return for a follow-up appointment, during which your surgeon will examine your thighs and discuss any questions you have and remove your sutures and drains if your incisions are sufficiently healed.
- And During the first 24 hours after surgery for the aftercare, You will need assistance in performing regular activities like making food and going to the bathroom.
- You will need to rest, positioning your body so that you do not stretch your thigh tissue. Many patients use pillows to take the pressure off of the legs during healing.
- Sleeping can help your body recover from surgery, but you will need to wake up at regular intervals to take your medications.
- You should not climb stairs, squat, or perform any strenuous activities, you should take short walks around your home to keep your blood circulating.
- 2 days after your thigh lift, you may shower, carefully removing your compression garment and bandages to gently wash your thighs.
- 2-3 weeks after thigh lift surgery, scars may appear more pronounced or red at this point, but they will begin to fade over the following weeks and months. You should be able to resume gentle exercise and driving.
- Approximately one month after your thigh lift, You may stop wearing your compression garment, with your plastic surgeon’s approval.
- Swelling and bruising should subside. If you continue to experience discomfort and inflammation, contact your plastic surgeon, as this may be a symptom of a complication.
- 6-8 weeks after surgery, you should be able to resume your regular exercise regimen, as long as your plastic surgeon clears you for this level of activity.
- And in a period of 6-12 months after your thigh lift surgery, your recovery process should be complete.
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