Royal Hair Istanbul | Experți de top în transplant de păr pentru femei

Transplant de păr pentru femei

Female Hair Transplant In Turkey

Căderea părului la femei poate fi o condiție stresantă, deoarece părul femeilor a fost întotdeauna o componentă cheie a aspectului lor fizic. Turcia, fiind probabil cel mai bun loc pentru tratamentul căderii părului pentru femei, este o alternativă fezabilă pentru femeile care caută servicii medicale de încredere pentru a restabili pierderea părului feminin printr-o operație cosmetică de cea mai bună calitate prin transplantul de păr pentru femei.

Cauzele căderii părului la femei pot fi alopecia androgenetică, anemia, sindromul ovarelor polichistice (SOPC), hipotiroidismul, afecțiunile pielii, lupusul, alopecia areata, coafarea excesivă, chimioterapia și nașterea. Nu contează de care este cauzată; cel mai bun tratament pentru pierderea părului pentru femei este cunoscut ca fiind transplantul de păr pentru femei. Cu toate acestea, procedura de transplant de păr pentru femei care vizează pierderea părului la femei este mult mai complexă decât cea a bărbaților și mai greu de obținut rezultate egale. Prin urmare, diagnosticarea exactă a cauzei este crucială înainte de a se efectua orice tratament pentru căderea părului. Transplantul de păr pentru femei trebuie aplicat numai pacienților de sex feminin în condiții foarte potrivite pentru operație.

Principalul tip de cădere a părului la femei este același ca și la bărbați, numit alopecie androgenetică. Sau, mai bine cunoscut sub numele de căderea părului la femeile umane. Se exprimă prin scurtarea treptată a duratei fazei de creștere, însoțită de o miniaturizare foliculară progresivă. În cazul bărbaților, căderea părului începe de obicei deasupra tâmplelor, iar linia părului, care în cele din urmă se retrage, formează o formă de „M” cu subțierea simultană în partea superioară a capului, progresând destul de des spre chelie. Spre deosebire de bărbați, femeile nu devin de obicei chele.

Este frecventă subțierea părului în partea superioară și frontală a capului, iar subțierea treptată este urmată de o creștere a căderii difuze a părului din partea superioară a capului. În cazul femeilor, căderea părului poate apărea în orice moment al vieții lor, de la pubertate până la vârste mai înaintate. Dar apare din ce în ce mai des la femeile aflate la postmenopauză. Primul diagnostic se pune prin analiza atentă a aspectului fizic al pacientului și a istoricului familial. Trebuie luate în considerare și alte cauze, cu excepția factorilor genetici, cum ar fi afecțiunile medicale, de exemplu efluviul telogen, medicamentele luate, sarcina, nașterea, anemia, deficiențele în alimentație, pierderea rapidă în greutate, problemele glandei tiroide, afecțiunile de bază ale scalpului, cum ar fi viermii inelari, infecțiile etc.

Are You a Good Candidate For Female Hair Transplant?

A big percentage of women experience female pattern hair loss due to a variety of reasons. While few of them can overcome this problem by themselves; a big proportion must seek for a permanent solution to their hair loss condition, which generally being hair transplant for women. See if you are a potential candidate for female hair transplant:

  • Women who want to restore their thinning hairline,
  • Women who experienced hair loss after face lift or other cosmetic procedures,
  • Women who have suffered hair loss due to mechanical or traction alopecia (non-hormonal),
  • Women who have had previous cosmetic or plastic surgery and are concerned about hair loss around the incision sites,
  • Women who have a distinct pattern of baldness, which is generally called female pattern baldness.
  • Women who suffer hair loss due to trauma, burning or scarring.
  • Women with alopecia marginalis.

How Is Female Hair Transplant Applied?

Hair loss in women can be a stressful condition, as women’s hair has always been a key component of their physical appearance. Turkey, as probably the best place for hair loss treatment for women, is a feasible alternative for the women who are seeking reliable medical services to restore female hair loss through a cosmetic operation of the best quality.

The causes of female hair loss might be androgenetic alopecia, anaemia, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), hypothyroidism, skin conditions, lupus, alopecia areata, excessive styling, chemotherapy and giving birth. No matter by which one it is caused; the best hair loss treatment for women is known to be female hair transplant. However, the hair transplant procedure aimed at women’s hair loss is much more complex than that of men and harder to achieve equal results. Therefore, accurate diagnosis of the cause is crucial before any hair loss treatments are performed. Woman hair transplant must only be applied to female patients in very suitable conditions for the operation.

Recovery Period After A Hair Transplant

Hair Loss in Women

Female pattern hair loss is the most common type of hair loss in women and becomes more prevalent as age progresses. Women who have a hair loss problem, they may feel psychological distress and suffer a decrease in social performance. Hair loss generally has a greater impact on women than men because it is less socially acceptable. Studies notes that up to two-thirds of postmenopausal women suffer from thinning hair or have areas of baldness.

In women, the partial loss of hair appears gradually, usually along the dividing line, and the loss spreads from the top of the head. Currently, there are some medications and topical treatments for female hair loss; however, these have not been proved to provide a permanent solution to hair loss in women. At this stage, women can apply to a relatively common technique, female hair transplant. Hair Transplantation for women provides irreversible and satisfying results in terms of female hair restoration. Considering the amount women spend on the ineffective cosmetic products for hair loss; female hair transplant costs significantly less than these options.

Ways to Prevent Hair Loss in Women

For women experiencing female pattern hair loss, there are some specific precautions to prevent hair loss. Especially those who have had female hair transplant are recommended to take the instructions listed below seriously so as not to lose their hair again:

Avoid hair-pulling hairstyles, such as braids, ponytails or bobby pins, as they can put too much pressure on the hair and damage the follicles.

Watch out for heat-using appliances like curling irons and brush dryers. In case you use them, keep them at the lowest temperature and apply a heat protection spray to your curls.

Avoid overdoing with chemical processes as ironing, dyeing or lightening of hair colour can damage hair stems.

Eat more vitamin-rich foods such as iron, zinc, and vitamin B12; either through your diet or with nutritional supplements to help stimulate hair growth.

Consult a dermatologist to seek for hair loss causes and a tailor-made solution to stop it.

Hair Transplantation Treatment Process for Women

There are several methods used for female hair transplantation. Clinic Center has specialized in the FUE transplantation technique, which is highly successful and extremely comfortable for women looking for a permanent cure for hair loss. The FUE method consists of the removal of hair follicles from the donor region one by one.

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