Implantes dentales asequibles en Estambul | Royal Hair Istanbul

Implante dental

Dental Implant

Implante dental¿Cuándo fue la última vez que disfrutaste de un firme mordisco a una manzana sin preocuparte? Los dientes pueden perderse por muchas razones, como caries, traumatismos y accidentes. Sin embargo, que te falten uno o dos dientes no significa que pierdas la sonrisa. Los implantes dentales pueden proporcionar una base sólida para sustituir dientes que tengan el aspecto, el tacto y la función de los dientes naturales.

Los tratamientos con implantes dentales ofrecidos en la Clínica Dental Royal Hair de Turquía permiten a la persona a la que le faltan dientes comer prácticamente de todo y sonreír con confianza.

Los dentistas de la Clínica Dental Royal Hair de Turquía pueden ayudarte a cambiar tu forma de vivir con implantes dentales, permitiéndote redescubrir la comodidad y confianza para comer, hablar, reír y disfrutar de la vida al máximo.

What makes us the best choice for Dental Implants?

We combine the latest cosmetic procedures, innovative tools and a high-tech dental lab to recreate the smile you deserve. Esteworld Dental Clinic Turkey is adequately equipped with modern implant technology which helps dental implants better integrate with the surrounding bone, offering greater stability and long-term durability.

In conventional treatment method, dental implants are placed using two-stage treatments approach. The teeth implants are typically placed by an oral specialist and then covered and left for up to six months to allow the bone to grow around the implant for stability. In some cases, the process may even take longer if bone grafting is required prior to implant placement.

Fortunately you won’t need to wait that long to receive your dental implants, minimizing on the discomfort of missing teeth. Our dentists use two of the most advanced diagnostic dental techniques: Panoramic X-rays and 3D Volumetric Tomography.

Panoramic X-rays are able to provide more perspective into the type and size of implant to use and how to position the implant for maximum bone contact and stability. 3D Volumetric Tomography is an inventive dental technology, which allows for the most precise treatment planning in the field of dental implantology.

Good candidates for Dental Implants

If you are looking for a dental treatment to correct missing teeth, dental implant can be a viable option for you. Most people qualify for dental implants in Turkey.

A good candidate should have the following:

  • Health gums
  • Strong bone structure
  • Sufficient bone density
  • One or more missing teeth
  • Healthy oral tissues

Good candidates for Dental Implants

Dental experts at our Dental Clinic Turkey perform the procedure by surgically placing the dental implants in the jawbone, where they serve as the foundation of missing teeth.

The titanium used in implants is designed to fuse with the jawbone. This prevents implants from slipping, or causing bone damage the way dentures might. During your dental implant procedure, your dentist will place a thin, titanium rod under the gum in the area of the missing tooth.

This rod will anchor directly to the jaw, where it will fuse itself to the bone and act as a solid foundation over the next few weeks. The dentist can place a temporary crown over the rod until the fusion is complete. Once the fusion of the anchor to the bone has completed, the implant is now a permanent part of your mouth and is ready for a permanent crown.

Your dentist will have the crown custom-made and color-matched to harmoniously blend with the surrounding teeth. Once the crown is placed; it will provide a complementing look to the implant, appearing more natural and feeling like an original tooth.

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