Royal Hair Istanbul - Specialiștii în baloane gastrice

Balon gastric

Gastric balloon – less space for food

Un balon gastric poate fi fabricat din silicon sau plastic. În cele mai multe cazuri, balonul gastric este introdus în stomac prin gastroscopie în Turcia, unde volumul său creează o senzație de sațietate mai devreme. Acest lucru este menit să încurajeze pacienții să mănânce mai puțin. Gastric BallonÎn combinație cu o dietă conștientă, balonul poate duce la pierderea în greutate și este considerat o măsură de sprijin pentru schimbarea dietei, deoarece fără o schimbare consistentă a stilului de viață și a obiceiurilor alimentare, balonul intragastric nu prea duce la reducerea greutății. Această terapie nu este, de asemenea, potrivită pentru o pierdere rapidă în greutate, deoarece după îndepărtarea balonului este promovat un efect yo-yo, care motivează rapid pacientul să se îngrașe din nou. Balonul gastric s-a dovedit a fi deosebit de util ca parte a unei „terapii în mai multe etape” pentru pierderea în greutate la pacienții cu risc ridicat, înainte ca intervenția chirurgicală pentru obezitate, cum ar fi bypass-ul gastric sau reducerea gastrică, să devină necesară.

Gastric balloon for severely overweight patients

The gastric balloon is considered for severely overweight patients who have not been able to reduce their weight in the past through dietary changes or exercise. From which initial weight a gastric balloon is considered, varies greatly and depends on the sex and height of the patient. The body mass index (BMI) serves as a guideline. Depending on the patient, the balloon can be inserted at a BMI of 28 or higher.

This BMI – also body mass index, body mass number or Quetelet-Kaup index – is a measure for evaluating a person’s body weight in relation to their height. The BMI is calculated by dividing the body weight in kilograms by the height in meters squared. As BMI, or obesity, increases, the risk of obesity-related diseases increases. The gastric balloon does not work for severe inflammation of the digestive tract, blood clotting disorders, psychiatric disorders and drug problems, as well as for pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Applying a gastric balloon

Unlike gastric banding and gastric reduction, the gastric balloon is a non-surgical treatment to reduce severe obesity. One type is a so-called swallow balloon. The patient swallows a capsule about three centimetres long, into which the doctor then fills about 250 millilitres of non-toxic inert gas through a tube. The tube is then removed.

In variant two, the intra gastric balloon is inserted during a gastroscopy. The physician uses a gastroscope to place the balloon in the stomach through the esophagus. Using the video optics of The gastroscope, the doctor can see whether the stomach lining is healthy and therefore suitable for a gastric balloon. The balloon is then filled with 500 to 700 millilitres of saline solution through the gastroscope. The saline is usually mixed with a special blue dye to check via urine whether the balloon is tight.

The procedure itself is performed on an outpatient basis and after sedation. It usually takes between twenty and thirty minutes. Afterwards, the patient remains in the clinic for one to two hours for monitoring. Some patients suffer from nausea and vomiting after balloon insertion. They receive saline intravenously. Therefore, a short hospital stay may be required for these patients.

Weight loss results through the balloon

The filled balloon occupies a large part of the stomach. The patient feels full faster because the capacity of the stomach is reduced. A gastric balloon can remain in the body for up to twelve months. After that, the gastric balloon is removed by gastroscope in Turkey to prevent damage to the stomach lining. How long the balloon remains in the stomach also determines the weight loss success. An average of 15 – 20 kg is the rule. A 12-month treatment increases the weight loss success compared to a 6-month treatment.

With a one-year balloon, about 30 kg – with very motivated patients even up to 50 kg – weight loss is possible. The patient must be aware that a gastric balloon is only useful if one wants to change one’s lifestyle habits. That means eating healthier and exercising more. After all, once the balloon is removed again, one can theoretically eat just as much as before and quickly gain weight again. For this reason, patients should opt for multimodal gastric balloon therapy, which includes parallel systematic nutritional counselling, appropriate exercise training, and behavioural and motivational coaching. These measures increase the likelihood of achieving the desired weight loss success.

Possible side effects

Nausea may occur during the first few days after the gastric balloon is placed. Stomach pain may also occur, but after a few days, patients will have become accustomed to the foreign part in the stomach. Patients with a gastric balloon need to be aware that they are at increased risk for stomach ulcers. Improper diet can also lead to a fluid deficit with disturbances in salt balance. If a fluid-filled gastric balloon bursts, which the affected person notices immediately by the blue colouration of his urine, it must be removed immediately by endoscopy. This prevents the balloon remnant from escaping before it can provoke an intestinal obstruction. Difficulties may also arise in sedating overweight patients. In addition to the usual risks of anaesthesia, in rare cases gastric juice is inhaled into the trachea and lungs, which can lead to pneumonia.

Advantages and disadvantages of a gastric balloon


  • Weight loss without surgery.
  •  None or only temporary side effects.
  • With a healthy lifestyle, the new weight can be maintained.
  • No surgery -only a short recovery time is needed.


  • Taking stomach acid inhibitors while the gastric balloon is in the stomach.
  • After the intra gastric balloon is placed, there may be brief discomfort.

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